Tree survey services

Specialist Surveys

Arbor Tree Specialists undertake two main types of surveys

  • To determine the condition and health and safety of trees
  • To accompany planning applications

Tree Condition Surveys

These tree surveys (Visual Tree Assessment or VTA) meet the requirements of a ‘Duty of Care’; the minimum requirement of an establishment or homeowner who has trees that could potentially impact property or persons external to the owners land.

A Visual Tree Assessment in conducted from ground level, often aided by a pair of binoculars and includes measurement of the tree’s vital statistics – height, diameter and crown spread plus an assessment of the tree’s condition. A report of the survey will detail: species, measurements, stability, visible defects, potential targets should the tree fail, an assessment of the degeree of risk the tree represents and details of remedial work recommendations designed to bring any risk to an acceptable level.

The surveys we provide use GPS technology to plot trees directly onto a map; our reports provide maps showing the locations of the trees, details of our findings and a schedule giving recommendations for remedial works.

Aerial Tree Inspection

Not all defects can be spotted from ground level. A VTA does not involve climbing the tree or any invasive techniques to detect rot or decay. If a closer look is required, particularly on large mature trees, a climbing inspection can be carried out by Tim O’Connor who is qualified to climb, assess and report on any findings. For exceptional trees a ‘picture’ of the internal condition of a tree or large branch can be determined using decay detection equipment. Arbor Tree Specialists can arrange for decay detection should this be required.

Trees and Planning

Most local planning authorities will not accept planning applications for sites containing trees unless the application is accompanied by a tree survey and an Arboricultural Impact Assessment.  Planning consents often have a condition attached requiring the preparation of an Arboricultural Method Statement detailing how trees will be protected during the construction process. 


Tree Surveys

The Tree Survey must include all significant trees, hedges and other vegetation on the site or immediately adjacent to the site that have the potential to be affected by any development proposals. Details of the survey and the required output are provided in British Standard 5837:2012 “Trees in relation to Demolition Design and Development – Recommendations”.

The resultant report provides various details about each tree and hedge and a Tree Constraints Plan that shows the extent of the tree canopies, their grade and the extent of their Root Protection Area.

It is recommended that this survey is carried out at the early stages of the design process In order to demonstrate any likely constraints the will need to be taken account of.

Arboricultural Impact Assessments (AIA)

Once there is a prospective design for the development Arbor Tree Specialists can undertake an Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIA). This will assess which trees can be retained as part of the development and the degree of impacts on all other trees. An AIA is an iterative process and discussions with the architect and planner can result in amendments to the layout or the use of specific construction techniques to minimise or eliminate potential harmful impacts on the trees. The overall objective is to maximise the benefits of the proposed development whilst minimising the potential impacts on the trees.

Arboricultural Method Statements (AMS)

The AMS details how the development will be built while protecting retained trees. The AMS will often include specifications for tree protection barriers or fencing and other tree protection measures. As part of the AMS there will be a detailed tree protection plan and specifications for any specialist requirements such as ‘no dig’ techniques for constructing paths or driveways within Root Protection Areas.



Arbor Tree Specialists offer a wide range of high quality tree surgery services